Timothy Bryans

Thank You

We would like to thank all of Timmy’s many carers and nurses, all at the Central Remedial Clinic Clontarf; doctors, nurses, school teachers, SNAs, therapists, assistants, escorts and bus drivers. At Temple Street doctors, nurses, and many others. The dedicated nurses and staff of the Jack and Jill foundation. All the doctors and staff at Donabate clinic and Life pharmacy Donabate. The staff of Donabate health centre. All our friends and neighbours who knew Timmy and met him on his many walks out. Friends who prayed for Timmy especially when he was in hospital.

Thank you to all of you our friends for all your love and support for us at this time, and over the years.

Above all we thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for the gift of such a beautiful boy for nearly six years, we are grateful beyond expression.

If anyone would like to make a donation in memory of Timmy, you may do so to either CRC or jackandjill foundation, both of which groups have helped us amazingly with looking after Timmy.

Peter and Lynn, Hannah, Amy, Tom, Joel and Luke.

© 2025 Timothy Bryans